Kick the New School Year Off Right With Bright, Healthy Smiles

As the summer winds down and back-to-school season nears, parents everywhere are gearing up to ensure their kids start the new year on the right foot. From backpacks to new shoes, one crucial part of the checklist often overlooked is oral health.

Did you know that kid’s mouths are home to more than 700 species of bacteria? That’s more than anywhere else in the body except the gut! These oral bacteria work hard to keep smiles bright, breath smelling fresh, and teeth and gums disease free. However, poor oral hygiene habits and diets rich in sugary food and drink put stress on kid’s oral bacteria, which can lead to cavities. More than 50% of children between the ages of 6 and 18 have had at least one cavity which, if left untreated, can lead to severe infections in the mouth and other parts of the body1. The most common cause of cavities is the bacterium Streptococcus mutans, a dental pathogen that loves sugar! When S. mutans breaks down sugary foods and drinks, it produces the lactic acid which eats away at tooth enamel leading to cavities.

So, what can parents do to help keep their child’s smile bright and healthy?

Fight Streptococcus mutans and reduce the rate of cavities by adding ProBiora Health’s oral-care probiotics to their dental routine.

Research-Backed Benefits for Your Child’s Teeth and Gums

Multiple clinical studies have shown that ProBiora3®, ProBiora Health’s patented probiotic blend, significantly reduces the levels of bacteria that cause cavities in children, including S. mutans2,3. Lower levels of  S. mutans in the mouth results in less acid and less tooth decay. ProBiora3 also significantly reduces the rate of new cavity development in children for up to three years4. ProBiora3 is the only probiotic blend that contains bacteria from the teeth and gums that directly support gum and tooth health. With results this positive, incorporating ProBiora Health probiotics into your child’s back-to-school dental routine is a clear choice.

Back to School with a Bright Smile

As kids return to school, a confident smile is about more than appearance- it’s about overall well-being. ProBiora Health probiotics offer a proactive approach to dental care, complementing regular brushing and flossing routines. The probiotic strains in ProBiora3 work continuously to maintain oral health, even between daily brushing and dental cleaning sessions. Kids can easily add ProBiora’s oral-care probiotics to their oral health routine: simply dissolve one tablet in the mouth after tooth brushing (preferably at bedtime). With the irresistible Orange Creamsicle flavor, kids of all ages will be encouraged to develop a solid nightly dental care routine that helps keep cavities from forming.

ProBiora Health’s oral care probiotics are clinically proven to reduce levels of bacteria that cause cavities in kids. Make ProBiora3 part of your back-to-school checklist- a decision both you and your child can smile about!

Learn more about the science behind ProBiora3 here

1. Centers for Disease Control, 2024. Cavity Facts.

2. Cannon, M., Trent, B., Vorachek, A., Kramer, S., and Esterly, R. (2013). Effectiveness of CRT at measuring the salivary level of Bacteria in caries prone children with probiotic therapy. J. Clin. Pediatr. Dent. 38, 55–60. DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.38.1.b481624264142082

3. Hedayati-Hajikand, T., Lundberg, U., Eldh, C., and Twetman, S. (2015). Effect of probiotic chewing tablets on early childhood caries—a randomized controlled trial. BMC Oral Health 15:112. DOI: 10.1186/s12903-015-0096-5

4. Cannon, M. L., Vorachek, A., Le, C., and White, K. (2019). Retrospective review ofOral probiotic therapy. J. Clin. Pediatr. Dent. 43, 367–371. DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.6.1